Testimonial 7 – Website Found by Chance

April 1, 2015

“I found Rahmaa Institute website by chance while surfing the net to find a marriage counselor. We were having marital issues and both of us wanted to seek counseling. We however were not comfortable in doing it over the net and reluctantly decided to give it a chance only because there was no Muslim marriage counselor available where we lived, and our experience with our non-Muslim counselor was not good probably because she lacked knowledge and understanding of our religious and cultural background. Unlike others Br Khalid had a non-judgmental approach. He gradually made us realize the core issues we had between me and my wife and guided and empowered us how to resolve them on our own. We were able to discuss past issues that were simmering for 12 years in a respectable manner and started to slowly work on resolving them. He made us realize that it is only the two of us that can resolve our issues under the guidance of Quran and Sunnah. We found that to be very empowering.”

S. Latif

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