FAQ – Addressing Your Concerns

Posted: January 5, 2015

FAQ – Addressing Your Concerns

Q. Would it be offensive when you bring in difficult topics?

A: The couple finds it fun to discuss the issue brought to them in third party language as scenarios, or case studies. They actually enjoy discussing it and come up with their own solution to the issue. So far among the hundreds of premarital counseling that we have done not one was offended by our method or program2.   

Q. How effective is counseling done via Skype Video Conferencing?

A: It is extremely effective. It brings about the desired results that are appreciated by the participant. Please read the reviews and testimonial on our website Rahmaa.org   

Q. Can out outline how benefit of on line Skype Video Conferencing?

A: Our clients find it beneficial that they get the course in the comfort of their home, they can be joined together weather they are in different locations, cities or even countries. It is clear and comfortable as long as they have a good internet connection   

Q. It takes a lot of time from our busy schedule?

A: The counseling is done at a mutually agreed time on weekday evenings or weekend. They don’t have to take time off from their busy schedule. Sometimes parents prefer to get counseling after their children go to bed

Q. How can we be sure that what we communicate will be confidential?  

A: Confidentiality is stressed highly in all of our programs, we don’t even share information given to us by each partner unless with prior permission. We suggest to read our “Ground rules ….. “ outlined on our website at  https://www.rahmaa.org/counseling/ground-rules-for-family-mediationcounseling-at-rahmaa-institute/ 

Q. How about the cost, especially for those who may not be able to afford it?

A:  Our goal at Rahmaa Institute is to assist anyone in need of premarital or marriage counseling. Anyone who cannot afford to pay should not worry about payments. They will never be reminded. Some prefer to make a donation later on and is much appreciated.

Q.  Is there anything expected from us the participant?

A:  This is your program for your benefit so the more actively you participate the more you will benefit. Please ask as many questions as you may have. Do the home assignments as directed. Just be honest, cooperate and enjoy. It will inshaAllah benefit you in your married life for years and years. 

Q.  What If I have more questions?

A:  Just ask by emailing us or at the session

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