Ground Rules for Family Mediation/Counseling at Rahmaa Institute

By Khalid Iqbal – Founder Rahmaa Institute

A few ground rules for Family Mediation/Counseling

Congratulations for agreeing to come to this mediation/counseling session! I pray to Allah to give everyone the strength and courage to listen with understanding, to put love and mercy in our hearts, to soften it and help us bring a resolution to the issues facing this family. Below are a few ground rules that all participants must read and agree with before we proceed. The ground rules are based on the principles that Islam teaches us.

1. Extend respect in every aspect to everyone involved in the process.
2. Absolutely no yelling, shouting, or foul language.
3. Please make sure your voices are audible and at a level that everyone can hear.
4. Allow each person to speak openly and freely.
5. Allow others to finish their thoughts and say what they are saying without interruption. It is your right to object and disagree with anything that is being said but you must wait for your turn to express your point of view.
6. One conversation at a time – Show respect for others by remaining quiet and listening to their point of view and refraining from side conversations.
7. Different opinions are welcome – Contrary views need to be encouraged. even if you don’t follow or agree with that point of view
8. Challenge ideas, not individuals – Emotions can run high and criticism can turn personal if participants aren’t reminded to focus on the issues.
9. Be aware that silence does not mean consent. Often times silence is misinterpreted and in some cultures is common to be interpreted as agreement. We do not agree with that interpretation.
10. This process requires us putting our trust in Allah and agreeing to undergo these sessions with good intent. What you see or hear from the other side should not be misconstrued or repeated, especially if it is done maliciously. Allah warns us about engaging in Ghiba (back biting) in a very harsh way in the Quran
11. No recording devices of any kind are allowed unless prior written authorization is obtained from all parties including mediator/counselor.
12. There are no legal proceedings or law suits of any kind are in progress at this time. Prior to initiating any legal proceedings, you must advise the mediator/counselor of your intent to do so. Please be aware that Rahmaa Institute or its Mediators/Counselors will not be a witness to any legal proceedings and will not give testimony in favor or against any party. Our records are confidential and not shared with anyone.
13. You agree that neither you nor anyone on your behalf, shall not summon the Rahmaa Institute mediator/counselor to appear in Court.
14. You also agree that neither you nor anyone on your behalf shall issue any type of discovery requests to Rahmaa Institute or its mediators/counselors.

Participant 1 Name:

Participant 2 Name:

Participant 3 Name

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