Case Study F1 – Parents Moving In

By Khalid Iqbal – Founder Rahmaa Institute

  1. Read the case study with your group, discuss and identify all the issues.
  2. In your opinion what seem to be the real issue?
  3. Review questions and discuss within the group or as couple.
  4. Choose one person from the group to present both parts of the scenarios and group solutions to the issues. As couple respond to the questions independently



Jameel and Asma have been married for 11 years and have two children 9 year old Asiyah and 7 year old Ali. They both work full time and lead a busy social life. Jameel parents live in Pakistan but travel US to visit them yearly. Last year his dad had a heart attack. The doctors are recommending bypass surgery sometimes in the future because of two or three blocked arteries. His mother used to run a successful private school for primary age children in Pakistan. Because of dad’s health and medical condition and upon the insistence of their son they decided to retire and move to US and live with their only son.


Jameel told Asma that he asked his parents to move with them permanently and they are disposing their house and other stuff in Pakistan. They had discussed and agreed with the idea before their marriage that ultimately sometime in the future he would have his parents live with them after their retirement. Now additional incentive was his parents will teach Asiyah and Ali Quran and Islam.


Asma was opposed to the idea in her heart. Jameel and Asma were having some marital issues lately and Asma felt they would gang up on her. It was not a pleasant scene when she raised her concern with Jameel.



  1. How do you feel they should settle the issue?
  2. What would you suggest for Jameel?
  3. What would you suggest for Asma?
  4. What do you suggest for parents to do?
  5. Should parents live with their married children?
  6. Are you aware of any case where parents live with married children? Are there any issues because of this arrangement?
  7. What if the parents were living with their son before the marriage?
  8. What if the son was living with the parents in their home before marriage?
  9. What if Jameel and Asma both lost their job and were having financial difficulty and Jameel’s parents invited them to move with them?
  10. Should parents live with their married children?
  11. What would you do if it was your own parents?
  12. Would there be a difference if it was Asma’s parents instead of Jameel?


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