Our current capacity

Currently, we have 6 to 10 clients at any given time.

The session length is 50 minutes. The sessions may be in person or on Skype Video conferencing from anywhere around the world

Premarital course is 5 sessions 50 min to 1 hour per session

Marital problems or family issue cases take many sessions depending upon the type and severity of the problems. Our program is based on guidance from the Quran and Sunnah as well as modern techniques in dealing with marital issues. Each case is treated as unique and individual case. Often it takes months to mediate and resolve cases. We conduct research on understanding the cultural, financial or other aspects of different regions where our clients come from or are currently living to provide them with the best resolution to their problems.

Our client case load is increasing by the day underlining the alarming marital health situation of Muslims in North America and around the world. Please make dua that we can do our role in helping the Muslim family grow strong worldwide.

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