Charges and donations

Session Cost

$50 per 50 minute session (Anyone not able to pay this amount can just send us a quick email as to how much they can afford for each session).
Session time 50 minutes to 1 hour.
$25 will be charged for missed session or cancellation under 24 hour, balance will be put towards the next session. No refunds will be made.

We are a 501C3 non profit organization and recommend a donation of your choice to cover our costs, program and course development. Anyone wishing to donate can do so through our website All donations are tax deductible.

New – 16 Session Domestic Violence Prevention and Anger Management Course
Rahmaa Institute is offering 16 session course on Domestic Violence Prevention and Anger Management. It is offered to individuals as a private course for only $550 (Special introductory cost) (or request for payment in installments) and can be taken through the internet in comfort of home. To register contact us at

How your donation can help?

Our charge is nominal to cover our cost. We do not wish to discourage those who are most deserving but unable to pay. We are dependent on your donations to help us continue our work. This is how we can use your donations.

Donation Amount $ Potential Use
$50 Can help us with 1 hour session
$75 Can help us with one complete 1-1/2 hour session
$200 – $300 Can help us with research and production of an article or case study
$500 Can help us with monthly web maintenance including subscription fees
$1000 Can help us launch a new web page, web development, content management, LMS maintenance etc.
$2000 – $5000 Can help us conduct, analyze and generate report on a survey
$5000 – $7000 Will help us launch a new parallel website in another language. Please keep in mind that we have clients all over the world
$10,000 -$15,000 Can help us sustain our work for 6 months in providing free service to our clients

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