• Mehr – A requirement of Islamic Nikah

    As I entered the hotel where the Nikah (Wedding) was I noticed a nice sports car parked in the front of the hall where the wedding was to take place. Before the wedding, the host announced for the attendees to go look at the car that was to be given as mahr to the bride. About a year later I met the bride in shopping mall with a little baby. How is the car? Are you enjoying it? I was anxious to find out about the car she got in mahr. She responded with a meaningful smile “What car? I am not allowed to touch it.” How many marriages are taking place without recognizing the significance of this important element of Islamic nikah. It is not something that is just put on paper and then not fulfilled as an obligation, or unnecessarily delayed or try to pursue and push the bride to forgive. Read more

    Course 1: Registrations Form Link, Click the below links and fill out the form

    Registration form for course 1

  • How to Maintain Privacy and Boundaries in a Muslim Marriage

    Marriage is a sacred bond. In Islam, marriage is encouraged as it forms the foundation of a stable family unit and, in turn, a wholesome community. The importance of community values and brotherhood is already quite apparent from the life of the Holy Prophet (SAW), as he established the society of Madinah on the principles of group cohesion and unity.

    Aside from being integral to the social fabric of a community marriage also prevents immorality. It provides a legal and permissible way for individuals to fulfill their physical desires. The Holy Prophet (SAW) was reported to have said the following from the authority of Hazrat Abdullah bin Masud (رَضِيَ ٱللَّٰهُ عَنْهُ):

    “0 young men, those among you who can support a wife should marry, for it restrains eyes (from casting evil glances) and preserves one from immorality; but he who cannot afford It should observe fast for it is a means of controlling the sexual desire.” [Sahih Muslim, Book 16, Hadith 3] READ MORE

  • Choosing the Right Spouse

    Many unmarried individuals in their 30s are self-conscious and start to think that something is wrong with them. They feel pressured to make a hasty decision, especially when family and friends start pressuring them with sarcastic jabs and subtle suggestions. READ MORE


    We wish to announce that for the next few months we will temporarily delay family counseling due to staffing resources. During this time we will only be providing the following two programs.

    1. Premarital course for those planning to get married – 5 to 6 sessions (One session per week)

    2. Domestic violence and anger prevention course – 16 sessions (One session per week)

    InshaAllah we will return to our full menu of regular services soon. Please feel free to contact us via email Rahmaa.Institute@gamil.com with any questions


    • “Brother Khalid’s counseling has been instrumental in teaching us key skills to building a successful marriage and relationships in general. In just one session of pre-marital counseling, he was able to identify issues that we continually found “popping up”, once we were married. His unmatched wisdom and expertise in applying Islamic perspective to the modern couple has helped us to positively deal with the many challenges that married couples are faced with in the U.S. We highly recommend sessions with him…they’ll make a big difference for the better!” – The Syeds
    • Life can throw a hard curve ball at anyone at any given time. Recognizing the problem and seeking help are the first step to a stronger and better you. Last year, I went through some very difficult times, including passing of my beloved mother. Life brought me to a crossroads and I was going down the road to depression, sadness, lack of energy and motivation. With the help of Allah swt, I came to the doors of Adams Center, and specifically to the office of Brother Khalid Iqbal of Adams Center seeking some counseling advice. What I found in him were a humble, kind hearted man willing to help anyone that came to his door. Through his humbleness, willingness to help, friendly and kind nature, he not only helped me get through the tough time in my life, but his priceless advice will forever remain in my heart and carry me through the ups and downs of life. I felt very comfortable discussing my issues with him, he paid close attention to what I had to say and provided great advice, including some great uplifting stories from the times of the prophet (PBUH) as well as the use of hadith and scriptures from the Quran. His positive advice and kind nature gave me the boost I needed and motivated me to contact him again whenever I needed some guidance. Towards the end of our session he handed me a Quran, and said I could keep it. To this day, whenever I open the copy of the Quran he handed me, a duaa from my heart goes out to him and his family. Truly, Allah swt brought him as a guiding light in my life Alhamdulillah! – SQ




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